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Background Checks

Background Checks

  • Federal Criminal Search

    Searches the United States Federal Courts for criminal records. Suggested searches would include, but are not limited to; current residence, former residence, county of employment, and county of school attending/attended. General search parameters include seven or ten years. Most records are identified by subject’s name and date of birth.

  • Sex Offender Registry Search

    Searches the applicant’s name and date of birth against one of the largest databases for a possible sex offender. Provides states of registry and searches registered sex offenders in all 50 states. Can be search on a state to state basis or on a Multi-state basis, which includes all states.

  • MBI National Crime Files

    Searches one of the largest Criminal Records Databases in the nation, containing more than 240 million criminal records. The search includes but is not limited to Sex Offender Search, Federal Bureau of Investigations Most Wanted Search, and Office of Foreign Assets Control Search. The contributing source list for each state is included with every search. Records are located by name and date of birth.

  • Homeland Security Search

    Searches over 130 National & International Terrorist, Fugitive and Debarment lists including the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and Specially Designated Nationals (SDN).

  • Social Security Number Trace

    Allows verification of identity and provides current and previous residential history. This trace provides aliases/AKA’s/maiden/legal name change names used under the social security number. Social Security Trace information is derived from all major credit reporting agencies. This search is an instant search administered through a database.

  • County Criminal Search

    Searches county level records for Felony/Misdemeanor criminal activity. This search is a physical criminal record search. Suggested searches would include, but are not limited to current residence, former residence, county of employment and county of school attending/attended. General search parameters include seven or ten years. Most records are identified by subject’s name and date of birth.

  • County Civil Search

    Searches county level records for civil action. This search is a physical record search. General search parameters include seven or ten years. Most records are identified by subject’s name only.

  • Statewide Criminal Search

    Searches the statewide criminal repository for Felony/Misdemeanor records. Years searched parameters vary by state. Most records are identified by name, date of birth, and social security number. Statewide Criminal Search option is not available in all states.

  • Medtrace (FACIS®- Fraud and Abuse Control Information System)

    Searches the Federal, Medicare, Medicaid Sanctions listing of individuals or entities that are prohibited from participating in government programs and information on fraud abuse specific to the medical industry. This will ensure that you continue to receive any federal grant monies. A Level III search is the standard performed for a most comprehensive search.

  • National Practitioner Database

    MBI acts as your authorized agent to access database records for practitioner’s licensure, professional society memberships, medical malpractice payment history, and records of clinical privileges.

  • Employment Verification

    Verifies current or previous employment history. Information verifiable includes: dates of employment, title(s), salary, duties, reason for leaving, and rehire eligibility. Information released varies due to various company policies. International employment verification service is also available.

  • Education Verification

    Verifies applicant’s current or previous enrollment/degree/diploma history. Information verifiable includes: dates of enrollment, date of degree/diploma received, grade point average (GPA), and educational credits received. Information released varies due to various educational institute policies. International education verification service is also available.

  • Professional License Verification

    Verifies applicant’s professional license/s. Information verifiable includes: date of issuance, expiration of license, type of license, and state in which license was issued. Information released varies due to various issuing authority policies.

  • Worker's Compensation Claim History

    Searches the applicant’s worker compensation claims. Claim history information released on the applicant varies from each state. Worker’s Compensation searches are not available in all states

  • Motor Vehicle Report

    Searches the applicant’s license for validation, status, date expired, traffic violations, accidents, restrictions and endorsements. Length of history parameters vary for each state. Most states provide instant motor vehicle reports.

  • Employee Credit Report (PEER® - Pre-Employment Evaluation Reports)

    A PEER report provides credit history and financial related public records on an applicant. The PEER report is instant and is fully compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

  • Drug Screening

    MBI Worldwide partners with eScreen™ to provide an array of testing products with the ease of paperless operations. Testing supplies also available for purchase.

  • Exit Interviews

    Series of questions asked to an employee upon leaving an organization. Elicits feedback to help companies improve workplace environment and retain future employees.

  • Social Security Verification

    Consent based, pre-hire access to the official records of the Social Security Administration’s Master File. Form SSA 89 required for processing.

  • Consumer Solutions

    MBI offers consumer services and products to meet individual screening needs.

New Screening Requirements for School Volunteers Under Florida’s SB676

The Florida Legislature recently passed Senate Bill 676 (SB676) in 2023, mandating more extensive background screening regulations for public school...

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New 2025 Data Privacy Laws: Delaware, New Jersey, and New Hampshire

We kicked off 2025 with five state-level data privacy laws going into effect. Last month, we covered new data privacy policies inNebraskaand Iowa....

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CFPB’s Final Rule to Remove Medical Bills from U.S. Credit Reports

In recent years, allowing medical debt in consumer reports has been under scrutiny, weighing relevant value in comparison to potential discrimination...

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