
You Can't Spell H.E.R.O. Without H.R.
#IAmHR CONTEST and GIVE-A-WAY Your chance to get a FREE T-Shirt and/or FREE passes to SHRM 2014 in Orlando. Social Media Game for FB, Google+,...
1 min read
How 'Ban the Box' Laws Affect Private Employers
You’re going to hear a lot about the so-called “Ban the Box” laws in 2014. Across the United States, 10 states and more than 50 cities and counties...
3 min read
Pay It Forward With Your Business
I am an advocate for the Pay it Forward Campaign. Growing up in a relatively small town, attending a small neighborhood church and living on a very...
1 min read
Reviewing Background Checks: Consistency is Key
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Enforcement Guidance on using criminal background checks in the hiring process were issued two years...

1 min read
Boston Tragedy; Could It Have Been Prevented?
Message from the Editor “Boston Tragedy; Could It Have Been Prevented? “ By: Stephanie Wilson Nearly one year ago, the city of Boston and the entire...