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Top 4 Reasons to Choose MBI Worldwide

MBI Worldwide has been recognized by HRO Today Magazine Bakers Dozen List as a top screening partner for the past six consecutive years. Local and live customer service that picks up the phone when you call.  The average turnaround time is 12 hours to get a background check. We are accredited and certified.  Give us a call today to answer any questions that you may have at 866-275-4624. https://www.mbiworldwide.com/

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The most popular background checks are criminal, employment screenings, tenant screenings, childcare screenings, volunteer organization screenings, and security clearance.  There are many different types of background checks, and some of them contain overlapping results (i.e. criminal background checks will reveal sex offender crimes, but there are also sex offender-only background checks).

The FCRA is here The Act (Title VI of the Consumer Credit Protection Act) protects information collected by consumer reporting agencies such as credit bureaus, medical information companies, and tenant screening services. Information in a consumer report cannot be provided to anyone who does not have a purpose specified in the Act. Companies that provide information to consumer reporting agencies also have specific legal obligations, including the duty to investigate the disputed information. In addition, users of the information for credit, insurance, or employment purposes must notify the consumer when an adverse action is taken based on such reports. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act added many provisions to this Act primarily relating to record accuracy and identity theft. The Dodd-Frank Act transferred to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau most of the rulemaking responsibilities added to this Act by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act and the Credit CARD Act, but the Commission retains all its enforcement authority.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that regulates the collection of consumers’ credit information and access to their credit reports. It was passed in 1970 to address the fairness, accuracy, and privacy of the personal information contained in the files of the credit reporting agencies.


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