1 min read

Call your California assembly members

PBSA PURSUES LITIGATION STRATEGY IN THE CALIFORNIA COURTSMake a call to your assembly members and start by introducing yourself and your company.  Here is a list of phone numbers.
Express you are calling to support Senate Bill 1262.  Let them know the bill is vital for ensuring Californians are hired quickly by restoring identifiers to court records.  As an employer without this access to basic identifying information such as date of birth on court records, you may be unable to get a background check completed.  If this happens many Californians may be unable to be hired.  Latin and Hispanic names are more concentrated around fewer common names means that people with those names will be disproportionately harmed by the inability to get a background check. State and federal regulations require verification of criminal history for some positions.
If SB 1262 does not pass, we may be legally barred from hiring California residents for those positions. Request the Assembly member to support California workers and businesses by voting “Yes” in favor of SB 1262.  




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