1 min read

The Process of Employee TB Testing

If you are in charge of the Tuberculosis (TB) Testing of employees and job applicants at your company, and are confused and frustrated about the process and tracking of the TB Testing, trust me you are not alone.  As a matter of fact, let me just confuse you even more by telling you that the Step 1 TB Test is really guess what… BASICALLY TWO STEPS.  In general, TB Testing causes the most frustration because the entire process is not completely understood.

Many of MBI Worldwide‘s customers have asked for clarification on the TB Testing tracking and process so I thought I would write a quick run down of what is expected on both the Step 1  TB Test and Step 2 TB Test.


When testing an employee or job candidate for tuberculosis, a substance (Tuberculin) is placed just under the skin of the individuals forearm causing a bubble to form.  After the Tuberculin has been administered, the individual will need to return to the lab to have the site read.  The time frame for reading a TB is very strict and must be followed for accurate results.  The test cannot be read any earlier than 48 hours and no later than 72 hours from the exact time of Tuberculin placement. If the applicant fails to arrive during this window, they will be required to start from the beginning and begin the testing process over.  This is why it is extremely important for your employee or job applicant to know about this time-frame from the beginning so they do not disrupt the process.


The 2 Step TB Test is the same process as the 1 Step TB Test however, the time frame is different.  In the 2 Step TB Test, the individual must have the second TB placed no sooner than a week after the first, and the substance should always be placed on the opposite forearm.

If you have any questions about testing for Tuberculosis you can always check out the CDC’s Fact Sheet,  or contact MBI Worldwide’s Drug Screening Department.

Nicole Lacy, Drug Screen Coordinator
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