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MBI Worldwide's Purpose Partner: CrisisGo- SAFE CLASSROOM

As one of MBI Worldwide’s valued educational institution-based clients, we thought you might be interested in the emergency safety features of one of our purpose-partners, CrisisGo – Safe Classroom Emergency Alerting System, a free application connecting people and organizations through safety networks.

And yes, it really is free!

The CrisisGo app was created by a group of innovative people who believe the world is better, when everyone has access to the information and tools that can keep them safe during a crisis.

CrisisGo builds easy-to-use tools to empower school faculty and students to take an active role in keeping themselves and others safe. Tools that shorten the distance between seeing something and “DOING” something – because they believe speed is crucial to safety, prevention and response.

We believe that CrisisGo has easy-to-use, streamlined functions that can help strengthen your district’s safety concerns.

Schools Must be Safe and CrisisGo-SAFE CLASSROOM Can Help

CrisisGo Safe Classroom Emergency Alerting System App helps keep each student safe, by easily installing an emergency alerting system in every classroom through smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc. Each device in your school would be able to instantly receive audible emergency alerts that utilize safety communication channels in order to stay informed throughout any unfortunate, emergency event.

CrisisGo-Safe Classroom is a FREE application with zero hidden fees. It’s easy functionality and streamlined integration will help your institution:

  • Create a platform to build a better safety culture within your institution.
  • Provide a system for awareness and prevention
  • Automate and accelerate communication to first responders, which will provide fast response from law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency medical professionals.
  • Provide you with the ability to educate stakeholders regarding critical safety risks and provide solutions through the Safety Awareness System.
  • Grant access to safety tools for all ages, across every device.
  • Utilize CrisisGo’s Drill Management feature, that allows you to schedule, track and report district-wide safety drills from an easy-to-use and functioning online dashboard.
Emergencies aren’t confined to just the classroom. Teachers are mobile, moving through the school and playground.
With the CrisisGo SAFE CLASSROOM platform, faculty, personnel, safety staff and first responders can use the crisis app together, to effectively communicate with each other during emergencies.
CrisisGo’s additional features will allow you to:
  • Rapidly respond by setting off an alert or panic button.
  • Access critical emergency plans with or without internet connectivity.
  • Exchange specific communication from the organization’s safety personnel or first responders.
  • Submit a quick incident report or tip to the administration or management team.

If you’re interested in more information about Crisisgo’s -SAFE CLASSROOM – Emergency Alerting System App, be sure to check our their website at www.crisisgo.com


DISCLAIMER – MIDWEST BACKGROUNDS, INC. DBA MBI WORLDWIDE CANNOT AND DOES NOT PROVIDE LEGAL ADVICE OR COUNSEL. Although MBI strives to support you with alerts and resources regarding critical compliance matters, please understand that MBI Worldwide CANNOT provide legal advice regarding forms, contracts or compliance topics. Nothing in this statement or any other communications with MBI Worldwide should be construed as legal advice. If you have legal questions, please consult with legal counsel, who can best advise you on the legalities of obtaining and using consumer reports.

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