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MBI Worldwide’s Kim Cox Receives Advanced FCRA Certification

(Posted 1/6/17)
Kim Cox, Senior Support Staff at MBI Worldwide, received her Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Advanced Certification in December 2016.

The FCRA Advanced Certification Program is intended for employment background screening professionals looking to demonstrate a commitment to compliance within their organization. The Advanced Certification Program is open to everyone and is perfect for individuals in compliance or legal roles as well as anyone who regularly deals with compliance issues within their organizations such as operations leadership and customer services. This course is offered at two NAPBS yearly conferences and includes a live seminar, followed by a written exam. It is also offered as an online option, consisting of six training webinars and an exam. The content and exam focus on complex and cutting-edge Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliance issues.

You must hold a current FCRA Basic Certification to participate in the Advanced Certification program.

Program Content

The online program includes six training webinars and an exam. The webinars cover the following topics:

  1. Is it covered by the FCRA? — The contours of what is and is not a “consumer report” under the FCRA such that the Act’s obligations come into effect.
  2. Is it accurate? — The question of what constitutes “maximum possible accuracy” under section 607(b).
  3. Are my disclosure and authorization forms compliant? — The requirement of standalone disclosure forms and written authorizations.
  4. Am I complying with Section 613? — The issues raised when reporting adverse public record information.
  5. Am I complying with Section 609? — The requirements around providing full file disclosures.
  6. Recent Litigation — Implications of recent litigation.

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