2 min read

National Police Week - Let's Thank the Sheepdogs

In 1962, President John Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15 falls, as National Police Week. Established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962, National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others.

I posted this last year for Thank a Police Officer Day, but would like to re-post in honor of National Police Week.  Police Officer’s are our everyday heroes.

First off, MBI WORLDWIDE would like to extend our sympathy to all of our friends and family that have lost a police officer in the line of duty.  We also want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the LEO’s in our local police departments.  We’ve watched the National Law Enforcement Community take a lot of heat lately, but we want Police Officers to know that the majority of us are extremely thankful for you.  We know the danger that you put yourself into to keep our communities safe. Situations that most of us can never imagine. Situations that often times escalate quickly into violence…. situations that put your life on the line and too often, take that life.

If you have a moment, click on this link and read through the names of the Police Officers that lost their lives in 2015.  http://www.policeweek.org/roll_call.html

To the Blue and Brave, I am humbled by your motto – “To Protect and To Serve”.   I know you take that motto very seriously.


Police Officers hear the negative more than the positive. They hear the complaints from thugs and scumbags all day long.   Trust me, I know, because my husband was a Police Officer for many years before MBI Worldwide became his full-time career.

My husband and I have been blessed with many friendships over the years, and some of the best and most loyal friends that we have ever made are with law enforcement officers (and their spouses) whom he served with “back in the day”.  Police Officers are indeed, the most loyal of friends to us all.

With the bad hype and negative media related to the police community lately, let’s take a moment this week to give Police Officers something positive in return for their service to us. If you would, please join me in sending your local police department a simple “thank you” card to let them all know that they are in fact, appreciated by the majority.

If you want to send a simple “thank you” to these men and women that put their life on the line, daily, I am adding the address for a few police departments that are near and dear to the MBI Team.    We have a personal interest in these department because we have friends and family that work for them.

Herrin Police Department 
321 N. 14th Street
Herrin, IL 62948

Carbondale Police Department 
501 S. Washington
Carbondale, IL 62901

St. Petersburg Police Department
1300 1st Ave N
St Petersburg, FL 33705

West City Police Department
1000 Blakely Street
West City, IL. 62812

SIUC Police
705 S. Washington
Carbondale, IL  62901

To all Police Officers out there – there are sheep, there are sheepdogs and there are wolves…thank you for protecting the flock from the wolves.   God Bless you and STAY SAFE!

“I’m a sheepdog.  I live to protect the flock, and confront the wolf.”  – Lt. Dan Grossman

Below is a video that I found on YouTube created by Damascus Road Films.  It is a tribute to the sheepdogs who do indeed, “Protect and Serve”.

K. Chapman, President and Founder
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