1 min read

Is Your Employment Screening Company Accredited?

MBI Worldwide provides employment background checks.  

But you already knew that.  

Something you might not know is that MBI Worldwide is a Consumer Reporting Agency providing global employment screening services and is accredited by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners.  


What does this mean for you?  The NAPBS has a set of standards to ensure a high quality experience for the firm involved.

Here are a few reasons to look for the NAPBS seal when looking for a background screening provider, which is governed by the Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program.

  1. Guaranteed quality:  The accreditation process is not an easy one.  Companies that earn the honor must be compliant with all 58 clauses covering six categories.  It’s an all or nothing process.  You can not be second best.  A third party auditor also takes a look to make sure everything is in place. 
  2. Higher standards:  Firms that receive the accreditation have met or exceeded the industry’s best practices.  They’ve put in countless hours to make sure they’re the best in the industry. 
  3. Privacy is paramount:  Many times when data breaches happen, it’s because of internal errors and other mistakes. Top notch technology important, but having staff properly trained is just as important.  Accredited firms have proven their employees and the tools they work with are the best.
  1.  Compliance is key: In order to become accredited by the NAPBS a company must comply with federal and state laws.  That practice has to be maintained when it comes to conducting background screenings for other agencies or businesses.
  1.  Always committed: While it’s important for MBI Worldwide to have the accreditation, we hope others will go through the process too.  Accreditation across the board helps the public better understand our industry is committed to doing the right thing.

Would you use an Oral Surgeon that did not have the legal credentials to properly do the job?  Employment screening companies (CRAs) are no exception.   If your current employment screening company is not accredited, it’s time to make the switch to one that has the ‘NAPBS Accredited’ seal.   You can expect compliant and safe practices, better customer service, stronger client education and less risk when making hiring decisions.


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