3 min read

Do Really Good Employees Quit Bad Bosses?

It’s been said that people quit bosses, not jobs.  Bad bosses lead to bad work environments, which in turn leads to poor morale and a mass exodus mentality among the staff.  

How does one fix a toxic workplace?  There are several things that employees can do, as well as the management team, to increase a positive work environment.  

If you fall into either category, this post is for you.  

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Unhappy employees should remember the classic Michael Jackson song “Man in the Mirror”.  Take a look at yourself and ask if you’re part of the problem. Be objective and own your role in the situation.

Save the drama for your mama.
Even if you’re not the boss, you may be looked at as a leader in the workplace.  Use that influence to inspire change.  Don’t get involved in petty office politics.  Many times people who get involved in drama at work are part of the problem.

Try educating your boss.
Learn more about culture change and share your finding with the boss.  Also, involve HR.  If the situation is dire, the head of the department may not even be aware there’s a problem.

Set goals and values and discuss them with the staff. 
Here are some tips for the management team.    You may know what you expect of employees, but if those expectations are NOT communicated problems can arise.  Communication is key.

Make work fun.
SAY WHAT?!  Yes there’s a time and a place for serious business, but you can provide fun opportunities along the way.  That includes fun décor, setting up a game area or letting employees take a break with a video game.  Don’t just socialize at work.  Plan a team breakfast outside the workplace.  Go to happy hour after work or come up with a monthly outing like bowling, karaoke or laser tag.  At MBI Worldwide, we even have surprise Root Beer Float Days and surprise “Weird Chip-Tasting Days”.  Little things go a very long way.

Give back to the community.
Come together as a team and volunteer.  Adopt a portion of road in the community and clean it up together.  Host an event that raises money and awareness for a good cause.  Working as a unit will improve the bond between your team and make a difference in someone else’s life.  We have implemented a great volunteer program into MBI Worldwide with our MBI Makes A Difference Program.  

Here are suggestions from other business owners and managers for how they keep morale up within their own organizations.

“Our main source to keeping employee morale up is making sure that everyone knows we are a team, and we rely on that teamwork to continue our business success.  We celebrate birthday and work anniversaries with cakes and cards.  We utilize potlucks within the office for team lunches and we plan quarterly and annual team building event.  This allows us time to get to know each other personally, rather than just for business purposes.  Our team also utilizes a quarterly book schedule that we read and discuss as a group.  We want to learn near business and sales tactics, while learning more about each other individually.  Simon Sinek said it best, ‘A team is not a group of people who work together, a team is a group of people who can trust each other.’  Without the ability to trust who sits next to you, morale disappears and success dwindles.”  — Terea Katubig, President & CEO of HireLevel.

“Part of keeping morale up at Harness Digital Marketing is simply having good communication, being flexible with work schedule and balancing work/fun. Our company culture is about getting results and the job done. It’s not about working 9-5. It’s important to me as a business owner to have my team (employees) actively involved and participating with the business.” — Tom Harness, Owner Harness Digital Marketing.

As a boss or employee within your organization, what do you do to keep the team happy?  Are you a great boss, or a bad one?  Are you a great employee, or a mediocre one?   If you just had to think about that answer, it might be a good time to make some changes.

Kandi Chapman MBI WorldwideKandi Chapman is an entrepreneur and a blogger on topics related to employment background checks and human resources.  Kandi is President and Founder of MBI Worldwide, a global employment screening company.  She has been nationally recognized by The National Women Business Owners Corporation for implementing positive company culture within her organization, and was honored as  one of St. Louisans Top 100 People To Know To Succeed In Business in 2015.  Kandi is a advocate for disadvantaged women and children’s organizations through her volunteerism.


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