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MBI Makes A Difference Helping Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tampa Bay

Copy of a letter sent from our President to help spread the word about our fundraising efforts for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tampa Bay.


Dear St. Petersburg Neighbors,

I would like to introduce myself to all of my neighbors and co-tenants in Priatek Plaza at 200 Central Avenue in downtown St. Petersburg, FL.   My name is Kandi Chapman and I am the President and Founder of MBI Worldwide, a nationally accredited employment background screening company.

MBI Worldwide expanded our executive offices from Illinois into the Tampa Bay area in May 2015 and have settled ourselves into Suite 820.

As part of our MBI Makes a Difference Program, MBI often donates pro-bono services and offers our team members paid days to volunteer time at NPO’s within our communities.  We have chosen the Ronald McDonald House of Tampa Bay as our first non-profit in the Tampa Bay area to receive our background screening services.  MBI is excited to partner with RMHC and will be donating over 8,000 background checks for their 2016 fiscal year.

In addition to offering our services to this wonderful organization, the property managers here at Priatek Plaza have graciously agreed to let the MBI Team sell hearts (with your name written on each one)  in the lobby and attach them to the wall.  We will begin selling these on Tuesday, February 9, 2016.  All proceeds from the hearts will be paid directly to RMHC of Tampa Bay.

If you would like to donate to this wonderful cause, we are asking a donation of $5 per heart.  The hearts will be posted on the walls of our lobby here at 200 Central Ave until the end of next week, at which time we will deliver them to the RMHC and they will be hung at their facility for the children to see them.

Our table will be set up in the lobby on Tuesday through the end of lunch on Friday.  If we are not at the table, please feel free to come to Suite 820 to make your donation and we will make sure that your heart gets put on the wall downstairs and delivered to the facility on Friday.

For more information regarding the Ronald McDonald House of Tampa Bay or to donate directly to them, please visit their website at https://rmhctampabay.org/ and for more information regarding MBI Makes a Difference please visit https://www.mbiworldwide.com/mbimakesadifference/

Please make checks directly to RMHC of Tampa Bay.

I hope I have the pleasure of meeting many of you next week.

Thank you,

(866) 275-4624 | (888) 896-5735


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