1 min read


We’re taught at an early age to not judge a book by its cover.

I’m totally kidding.

Often times it’s because we think the worst of someone based on his or her appearance.  Someone covered in tattoos or piercings or an unkempt look may get a bad reputation right off the bat.

But SURPRISE!  The opposite also happens.  There are actually BAD guys in NICE suits.  In this promotional video for MBI Worldwide the clean-shaven, well-dressed man is actually a criminal.  He literally trades (or steals) his orange jumpsuit in for a new suit, and walks right into a job interview.  After sitting down at the desk he even steals the stapler in front of the interviewer.  It may seem far-fetched, but the reality is… Bad guys in nice suits are real.  You don’t really know who is behind that flashy smile and crisp, clean suit, sitting across from you at the interview table.

Luckily, you don’t have to rely on just your gut instinct or first impression of a prospective employee to keep your organization safe.  

The information gathered is valuable and worth the investment when it comes to protecting everyone on your team.

Let MBI Worldwide figure out who the bad guy (or gal) is.  Check out our list of services and contact us for a live demo.  

K. Chapman, President
MBI Worldwide

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