1 min read

MBI Worldwide Chillin' For Charity

If you can help, why not help?

On the last Friday of each month, MBI Worldwide employees can participate in an optional program called “Chillin’ For Charity”.

The “Chillin’ For Charity” Program was developed by an employee in 2013 in conjuction with the MBI Makes A Difference guidelines and gives MBI team members a chance to make a difference in their community.

Employees are allowed to show up for work dressed in casual attire on the last Friday of each month.  Among other casual items, they can wear a hat, t-shirt and even flip flops.  Each article of clothing is “charged” $1.00 or two canned goods.  They can wear as many as they wish.

Most employees take advantage of this because seriously, who wouldn’t want to wear flip flops  to the office!

All non-perishable food items are donated to one of several food pantries throughout the year, and the cash is put into our safe and donated at the end of the year.  This year, the MBI Team voted to donate the cash to The Women’s Center in Carbondale, IL.  This is an organization well deserved as they support and educate women of domestic violence.  MBI Worldwide matches the donation amount and $350 total was donated to this organization in December 2015.

A special thank you goes out to all the MBI Team Members who participated in this throughout the year.  Together, you all make a difference in your community and I appreciate each and every one of you.

Beth and Kim, donating a box of food items to the Food Pantry in Herrin, Illinois

Bethany and Kim, donating a box of food items to the Food Pantry in Herrin, Illinois

Kandi Chapman, President and Founder
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