1 min read

Background Checks For The Transportation Industry


There are about three-and-half million truck drivers on the highways and byways of the United States. Whether it’s someone behind the wheel of a big rig or a delivery company, vehicle safety should always be a consideration.

Drivers are required to go through special training and licensing before they get on the open road. In many cases re-certification is required periodically.  Drivers are also requited to undergo a DOT physical.  Trucking companies are required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to do an in depth background check on all applicants; this is known as a Pre Employment Screening Report.

To stay compliant in the transportation industry with state and federal regulations, I would suggest ordering the following background checks on employees:

  • Social security trace
  • National Database criminal search
  • County criminal report
  • State criminal report
  • Federal criminal  report
  • Motor vehicle report / Driving Record
  • Drug screening
  • Fingerprinting
  • Employment verification check
  • Education verification check

These are the basic checks recommended. You may consider more extensive searches depending on what type of company you have.

The men and women behind the wheel for your organization aren’t just hauling products from point A to point B.  They’re sharing the road with thousands of innocent lives. A person with a history of bad driving (or bad decisions) is putting innocent drivers that share the road, in jeopardy.  Make sure you dot your i’s and cross your t’s when it comes to the drivers you select to represent your organization and drive your fleet.

There’s also the risk of your new hire stealing items from the haul.  Distributors in all industries have lost inventory to drivers with “sticky fingers”.  Theft will always impact the bottom line of your organization, and put a strain on relationships you have with customers. Doing your “homework” on the potential driver will save a lot of headaches, worrying and money in the long run.

MBI Worldwide will help ease your mind during the employment background check process, and keep your fleet safe and compliant.

K. Chapman, President & Founder
MBI Worldwide Background Checks and Drug Testing

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