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Continental Investigative Services, LLC Announces Business Partnership With MBI Worldwide, Inc.

Private Investigation Firm announces strategic partnership with Employment Background Check and Drug Screening Company

For Immediate Release

Herrin, IL May 12, 2015: Continental Investigative Services, LLC and MBI Worldwide, Inc. today announced the official formation of a strategic business partnership. The alliance merges CIS Investigations specialization in private and corporate investigations with MBI’s expertise in employment background checks and drug testing, to provide corporate clients with comprehensive investigative services and safe hiring solutions.

The strategic combination of the two companies is expected to provide customers with a comprehensive and integrated range of solutions for managing and mitigating employment-related business risk. Together, MBI Worldwide, Inc. and Continental Investigative Services will deliver state of the art risk management solutions, workplace violence training and innovative investigative services for the corporate workplace.

“Bringing CIS and MBI resources together is intended to deliver to our customers a winning combination of corporate investigations, training and employment screening solutions, providing an exceptional platform to meet the rapidly evolving screening needs of employers and businesses,” said Rick Knight, President of CIS Investigations. “The combined company will have a much greater reach and together we should be able to accelerate efforts to create valuable security training and employment screening services for the combined company’s target markets.”

About Continental Investigative Services
Continental Investigative Services, LLC has over 35 years of investigative experience providing security, training and investigation for both the private and corporate sector. CIS Investigations has extensive experience in Criminal & Civil Investigation, Service of Criminal & Civil Process, Witness Location, Personal Protective Services, Domestic and Fidelity Investigations and other specialty areas including Traffic Accident Reconstruction and Arson Investigation.   CIS provides investigative expertise in Cyber/Financial Fraud Investigation, Managerial Counseling and workplace violence training.

CIS Investigators consist of retired agents from the U.S. Marshals Service, FBI, IRS Criminal Investigation, Illinois State Police, Illinois Secretary of State Revenue Officer, Illinois Department of Agriculture, and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. For a complete list of services, please visit www.cisinvestigators.com.

About MBI Worldwide
In business since 1998, MBI Worldwide is a global Employment screening firm offering employment background checks, drug testing and a variety of safe hiring solutions. MBI prides itself on excellent customer service, integrity, quick turn around, and accuracy of information, secure online account access, a wide product range and competitive pricing. MBI offers integration capabilities with various HR software platforms to streamline the hiring process.

MBI Worldwide is proud to be one of only 58 background check companies in the United States that is accredited with the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS). MBI is committed to developing and continuously improving business and client relationships with a diverse base of companies and non-profit organizations. For more information, please visit https://www.mbiworldwide.com

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