1 min read

How To Hire a Great Employee Every Time

“How to Hire a Great Employee Every Time “ By: Andrea Allen
    The success of your business is in the hands of your employees. An employee takes action on behalf of your business every day. Every new employee you decide to hire can either raise  the bar of your organization as a whole allowing you to grow and prosper; or they can lower it and slow the organization’s growth.

When hiring a new employee, companies need to know what they are looking for before beginning the interview process. For example, the department that does the hiring could generate a list of skills that they would like to see the applicant have in order to be a successful candidate for their company. Knowing the behaviors that will enable him or her to not only succeed, but to excel at the position you are hiring, is extremely important.

The hiring process should prove to you without a doubt that the potential candidate obtains everything you are looking for. Multiple perspectives also expose the candidates to the other people they would interact most with. Most major companies utilize little or no business process when it comes to hiring. Those that may have processes in place tend to override them based on emotions or the urgency to hire.

Let MBI help you distinguish between the applicants you feel really good about, and the ones who are going to help your company become more successful.

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