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Former Choir Master, Registered Sex Offender Moves to New Canaan

A man who pleaded guilty in 2007 to possessing between 150 and 300 pornographic photographs of children, in some cases younger than 12-years-old, has taken up residence in New Canaan, according to Connecticut’s sex offender registry.

Robert F. Tate, 70—described as a Caucasian who stands 5 feet 10 inches and weighs approximately 190 pounds—lives at 279 Elm Street, Apt. 2, according to the registry.

According to the New York Times, Tate was a choir director at Christ Church in Greenwich for 34 years. During his time there, prosecutors said he hired a sex offender and did not disclose to authorities the fact that person had sexually assaulted a choirboy.

Tate admitted to having sex with boys in Thailand, the Philippines and Costa Rica, and having sex with boy prostitutes in New York City in an apartment he lived in through his job at the church, according to the Episcopal News Service. The service went on to quote Tate in court:

“There are many people who, all my life, thought I was a good choir master and a good person and a good example for their kids. I want those people to know today that I was a terrible choir master, a terrible person and I harmed those kids…I’ve struggled all my life with a sexual attraction to young boys. I don’t know why this happened to me. I was abused myself, but that is no excuse. The actions I took harmed hundreds of boys.”

Tate—who was convicted in February 2008—was released on Thursday, Sept. 13, according to the registry.

Conditions of Tate’s release are as follows: he will be under supervision, he will be a registered sex offender, his Internet usage will be monitored and he will be unable to spend time with children under the age of 18 unless he’s in the company of an adult who is aware of his criminal past.

To view the full article click http://ridgefield.patch.com/articles/former-choir-master-registered-sex-offender-moves-to-new-canaan.

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