Dispute Your Background Check
How Do I Dispute the Accuracy of My Background Check?
If you believe that any information in your background report is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the option to file a dispute with MBI Worldwide Background Checks & Drug Screening. The dispute investigation process may take up to 30 days, depending on the nature, scope and source of the information that is being disputed.
MBI Worldwide’s compliance team will promptly investigate the specific information that you are disputing. MBI Worldwide also has client service representatives who will work with you if you need help identifying the specific information/records that you want to dispute.
You are entitled to such information by law.
Please submit your dispute by phone or by mail to:
MBI Worldwide Background Checks & Drug Screening
Attention: Compliance Department
101 N. Park Ave, Ste. 200
Herrin, IL 62948
Toll Free Phone: 866-275-4624
MBI Worldwide Background Checks and Drug Screening is opposed to slavery and human trafficking in all forms and is committed to protecting its victims. We pledge to take any and all steps to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business or with the suppliers we work with.
How to submit a Human Trafficking Dispute:
If you are or have been a victim of human trafficking or modern slavery in any form and are seeking to dispute information related to your experience, you can do so in one of three ways listed below. Please read explanation of needed information before submitting the Human Trafficking Dispute.
We will notify you within 5 business days if further information is needed. If all information has been received, we will respond and block requested information within 4 business days. Within 25 business days, MBI Worldwide Background Checks and Drug Screening will make a final decision on your submission request.
What is victim determination documentation?
Victim determination is generally defined as documentation of a determination that a consumer is a victim of trafficking, made by either:
- A Federal, State, or Tribal governmental entity,
- A court of competent jurisdiction, which includes certain documents filed in court; Trafficking Documentation
- A non-governmental organization or human trafficking task force, including victim service providers affiliated with these entities, authorized by a Federal, State, or Tribal government entity; or
- A self-attestation by a consumer who identifies as a victim of trafficking that is signed or certified by a Federal, State, or Tribal government entity, court of competent jurisdiction, or an authorized representative of these entities.
Additional Information:
- For more information regarding this ruling, please visit https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/im-a-victim-of-trafficking-how-can-i-block-items-from-my-credit-report-that-are-the-result-of-trafficking-en-2127/ which lays out the requirements and provides a sample letter victims can use to send their request for blocking.
- The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act: Summary of Your Rights Under the FCRA
Submit a Human Trafficking Dispute
By Mail: Please send a copy of “appropriate proof of identity” such as a driver’s license or passport, along with “victim determination documentation” and a list of adverse items you’re requesting be removed to:
MBI Worldwide Background Checks and Drug Screening
Attn: Compliance/Human Trafficking Dispute
101 N Park Ave Ste 200,
Herrin, IL 62948
By Email: If you prefer to submit your request electronically, you can send an email to compliance@mbiworldwide.com or call our toll-free Client Relationships team at (866) 275-4624for assistance with submittal. * Proof of Identity here. Preferred government issued identification such as Driver’s License, Government identification, Passport and/or Utility Bills.
Additional Information
The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act: Summary of Your Rights Under the FCRA
For California consumers: Summary of your rights under California law
Additional background screening information and reference materials published by the FTC may be found at: http://business.ftc.gov/privacy-and-security/credit-reporting
If you believe you are the victim of identity theft, applicable information published by the CFPB may be found at: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/what-do-i-do-if-i-think-i-have-been-a-victim-of-identity-theft-en-31/, including a copy of the CFPB’s publication “Remedying the Effects of Identity Theft”, which also may be found directly at: https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/bcfp_consumer-identity-theft-rights-summary_2018-09.docx
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