When ordering a full employee background check with an accredited employment screening company (Consumer Reporting Agency), most often the search that is holding up the final report is the education verification
One would think verifying an applicant’s education would be simple right? Most often it is. When the correct information is supplied, it’s a breeze. Here are three errors that HR Managers make when requesting a background check that can delay turnaround time when verifying an Applicant’s education.
Remember, in most cases the background screening company does not see the Applicant’s resume, so the information listed on the application is crucial to completing a full, accurate background screening.
It is very important to make sure applicants are supplying as much precise information about themselves and their education as possible to ensure an accurate, painless, and quick background check report.
The tips above will help an employer receive background checks quicker, and expedite the background check process so an applicant can begin work in a more timely manner.
Kimberly Cox
Verifications Manager
MBI Worldwide, Inc.